Become a Master of Learning: We are here to Learn.
“what’s your purpose in life“?
Over the years I have heard various answers to this question, my favourite was the most honest and sincere from my best friend Paul Stewart who took half an hour to think about the question, then replied ” to eat food and have sex“. At first, I thought he was just joking, but then, what else was the purpose of man on Earth but to eat food to stay alive, and have sex to procreate and keep the human race alive and thriving?
“What is the reason for life”?
This post won’t be about ‘our purpose‘ because I’ve learned a person’s purpose is a bespoke affair, we do not all share the same purpose, but I have another question, “What is the reason for life?” My answer to that question is ‘we are here to learn‘.
The difference I see between Purpose and Learning. A purpose in life could be to feed the hungry, or to be the best guitar player on Earth. Despite the purpose we choose, we will still need to learn the skills to be applied in order to live our purpose. Therefore the purpose is a desired direction or destination, Learning is the vehicle to get there. The reason we have life is to learn, Learning is why we are all here on Earth, and a purpose is bespoke to what you choose to do with that learning.
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. In 2023 he world is very different than in 1983, the 10 year old in 83 has over the years had to learn how to hold down a full time job, cook, clean, drive, do relationships, communicate, but then by 2003 the whole world became technical. That 20 year old in 2003 is now 40 and technology is still increasing. The person who is a student of life and continually learning will continue to keep pace and remain relevant to the future direction of humanity. But the 40 year old who became contents 10 years ago, stuck in a nine to five that neither requires growth or change, runs the risk of just being a passenger in life, and that is OK, because for some, their purpose is to be a passenger, an observer.
There is however one eternal subject that we could all strive to understand “The Way of Unconditional Love“. If one should choose the Purpose of ‘making Heaven on Earth‘ then the path of Unconditional Love is the beat learning to undertake. This subject is difficult to master in just one lifetime, many lifetimes (incarnations) may need to be experienced to produce the character of unconditional Love, the individual Soul can become completely one with Source LOVE and Loves eternal way of being, which is without “Self”. We are distracted by the here, now, with bills to pay, people to impress, things to buy and acquire, scores to settle, and ambitions to realize. Unconditional Love might not be at the top of your list of things to achieve, and that’s OK because we are eternal, but for old souls who have probably done everything a Soul can possibly do throughout many lifetimes, Unconditional Love is the Master class, the mountain top, the peak summit of achievements or abilities to acquire.
Our eternal Creator has no deadline for us to realize Love’s way, we have forever and ever to get this right. For a happy few who are ready in the here and now the Masters Class has already begun and many are learning The Way of everlasting Life in Paradise right now, The Way of Unconditional Love.
Step one is learn to Learn: In saying Earth is a classroom, this means as Living beings on earth we are all students, we are all here to acquire knowledge, to grow, deepen our understanding, and leave this Earth more than we were when we arrived. If you are in agreement that we are eternal beings experiencing a temporary Human condition, then there is a part of you that is observing, recording, and experiencing your humanity.
I put before you that you are the conscious awareness of your being, you are the life force in your body. Your conscious awareness is the part of you that has experienced your entire existence and you will reunite with this higher part of yourself once this earthly existence is over. But let us test this, close your eyes and say this word to yourself.
“Blue Elephant.”
Whose voice did you hear? you said blue elephant to yourself without using your mouth, and heard blue elephant without using your ears. So who spoke and who heard? You are the spirit, the ghost, the life force, the conscious awareness of your being, this is what you truly are. Your physical body is nothing but a vessel (or vehicle, or earth suit) through which you, the conscious awareness of your being, can interact and participate with life on Earth. And there will come a point in time that your physical body will expire and you (your eternal, internal being) will move on and return to, from where you came.
For the sake of your eternal self, you are here learning and developing abilities. The art of Learning is the most important skill to acquire, for through your ability to “learn” you can gain new skills like languages, compassion, empathy, self-control, listening, foresight, intuition, changing your DNA, changing your neural pathways, turning hatred to love, how to forgive, letting go of anger, rage, criticism, and the ability to substitute character weaknesses, replacing them with a strength of characters like unshakable Love, internal peace, integrity, and a deep calmness of soul.
If you’re reading these words from a place of despair, with a broken heart and a broken spirit, if you have been contemplating suicide and are tired of life, just know the author of these words was diagnosed with clinical depression and Complexed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and was at the brink of suicide twice. Can you relate to the feeling that life has chewed you up, chewed all the flavour out of you then spat you on the ground only for some big nasty boot to step on what remains then squish you into the ground, then scrape you off their boot and discard you like filth? If you can relate then maybe you are ready to become a Master’s Student of unconditional Love. Those in a place of being finished with this life, are more able to accept the impossible path, those who chose not to commit suicide have the ability to become completely fearless. It is difficult to Love completely wholeheartedly if fear exists in your system, and the greatest fear of all is death. Those who have already been broken and shattered into many pieces naturally have a different perspective on life, and through that perspective will have a unique and different understanding of the meaning of selfless Love.
Your ability to learn depends on your desire for change, growth, and improvement. If there is no desire to change or grow, then what purpose is there in learning? And if you are desperate for change, then ‘How To’ is at the top of your list. You need to understand yourself, know what methods best work for you, and don’t try one method and then give up because you didn’t get the desired results, should a fish become depressed because it cannot climb trees? It is best for the fish to know itself and operate in its best environment. The same is true with you, learn the best methods for yourself.
Earth is a classroom and you are here to learn.
Author: Pablo G McKenzie
Yesterday is our picture, tomorrow a blank canvas; but right now is the artist at work. P.G.McKenzie